Spelthorne Borough Council     

Services Committees Forward Plan and Key Decisions


This Forward Plan sets out the decisions which the Service Committees expect to take over the forthcoming months, and identifies those which are Key Decisions.


A Key Decision is a decision to be taken by the Service Committee, which is either likely to result in significant expenditure or savings or to have significant effects on those living or working in an area comprising two or more wards in the Borough.


Please direct any enquiries about this Plan to CommitteeServices@spelthorne.gov.uk.

































Spelthorne Borough Council


Service Committees Forward Plan and Key Decisions for 27 September 2024 to 31 January 2025


Anticipated earliest (or next) date of decision and decision maker

Matter for consideration

Key or non-Key Decision

Decision to be taken in Public or Private

Lead Officer


Commercial Assets Sub-Committee 07 10 2024


Asset Portfolio Exit Strategies

Non-Key Decision




Coralie Holman, Group Head Assets

Commercial Assets Sub-Committee 11 11 2024


Asset Portfolio Exit Strategies

Non-Key Decision




Coralie Holman, Group Head Assets



Commercial Assets Sub-Committee 11 11 2024


Half Year Portfolio Review

Key Decision




Coralie Holman, Group Head Assets



Commercial Assets Sub-Committee 11 11 2024


Refreshed Sinking Fund Model

Key Decision




Paul Taylor, Chief Accountant



Commercial Assets Sub-Committee 11 11 2024


Update on Elmsleigh Centre Management

Key Decision




Coralie Holman, Group Head Assets



Commercial Assets Sub-Committee 27 01 2025


Investment & Regeneration Assets Business Plans

Non-Key Decision




Coralie Holman, Group Head Assets

Commercial Assets Sub-Committee TBC


End of Project Report

Non-Key Decision




Coralie Holman, Group Head Assets
